Thursday, July 15, 2004

"Roses are red, violets are blue. Honey is sweet, and so are you." "But of course I've yet to taste. O my love, tell me. Where art thou that my heart seeketh?" "The desire for you that churns from within." "My lonely soul pines, and yearns for your gentle touch. To quench that deep down thirst of your body so much. On my soft silky sheet I lie, longing for you, to come, and render this insatiable peak of magical fire."

*Any resemblance of other poems is totally coincidental. Any emotional or sexual "disturbance(s)" is/are greatly encouraged. =P

If that was poetic, then the sky must've been falling. I'll reveal tomorrow on who the author part is. So till then, keep on guessing! Clue: Someone we all know.

Have a nice day!